SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3299654 - I receive the code 200 in Postman when uploading data to Signavio Process Intelligence using the Ingestion API but the status in PI log table has not changed from 'In Progress'.


I receive the code 200 in Postman when uploading data to Signavio Process Intelligence using the Ingestion API but the status in PI log table has not changed from 'In Progress'.


SAP Signavio Process Intelligence 3.0

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open Process Intelligence.
  2. Create a new Data Source.
  3. Select an Ingestion API.
  4. Open Postman.
  5. Click on Headers.
  6. Input the Accept, Content-Type and Authorization values as per the documentation: 
  7. Paste the API endpoint into the url box.
  8. Select the Post request.
  9. Send the request 
  10. See you receive the status code 200.
  11. Navigate back to Signavio Process Intelligence.
  12. See the PI log table is still in status 'In progress'.



An ingestion is split into two sections:

  • The first part of the process (synchronous) is when you send a HTTP request and gets for example a 200 response, meaning that the first part is finished.
  • The second part of the process (asynchronous) is running behind the scenes and may take a couple of minutes to finish (and is why you may see still IN_PROGRESS status when you have already received a HTTP response).

For some reason which is unknown now the asynchronous part of the process did not finish and is why it is still displayed as IN PROGRESS in the PI logs.


To resolve this issue please rerun the ingestion and the status of the ingestion should change to complete after a few minutes. If this is not the case, please contact Support via the SAP for Me and reference this Knowledge Based Article (KBA).

See Also

For more information on Ingestion API's, please read the following excerpt from our user guide:


process, intelligence, ingestion, api, user, http, code, 200, status, pi, log, in, progress, not, change , KBA , BPI-SIG-PI-DI , Data Import for SAP Signavio Process Intelligence , How To


SAP Signavio Process Intelligence 3.0