SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3299707 - Task Chains are not running or locked in DWC


The Task Chain status is "Running" however there is no progress in the runs when checking the "Run Details".

The Task chain stops/locks in hanging state. 


SAP Datasphere


Under investigation.


The solution is to manually stop the task(s), which block(s) all other task chains in the same tenant. 

  1. Find out the possible (the earliest started one) candidate to stop, either using SQL or in DWC;
    1. In DWC, select System Monitor->Logs, then set Filter "Status" = "RUNNING" and sort "Start Time" by "Ascending"
    2. In SQL console, query "DWC_GLOBAL"."TASK_LOGS" with where condition "STATUS" = "RUNNING" and order by START_TIME ASC;
  2. To only stop one task might not solve the issue, in such case, better wait for 30 ~ 60 minutes to stop the next earliest of the remaining running tasks.
  3. If the above provided solution does not solve the issue,  it reoccurs or you cannot stop the tasks, we recommend you to open a support ticket.

Please follow KBA 2854764 - Guidelines for DWC Incidents when opening support ticket.


task chain, lock, schedule, run, stop, hang , KBA , DS-DI-SCH , Scheduling and Task Chains , DS-DI-VIW , View Persistency and Runtime , DS-MD-VIW , Views , Problem


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