- The required fields such as First and Last Name, Phone Number, SSN and Address either show blank or unknown in the candidate's compliance task.
- Name fields - First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Suffix are missing in Personal Data Collection step.
- SSN and Phone Number are missing in the candidate US I9 or W4 forms.
- Address fields are empty in US I9 or W4 forms.
SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding
Reproducing the Issue
- Login as the candidate
- Complete the Personal Data Collection Step
- Try to complete the Compliance Tasks
- See that the required fields are empty.
Data and Configuration issue.
CAUSE 1: SSN and Phone Number
- During Personal Data Collection Step, the candidate has not provided any Phone Number or National ID information. As a result, the SSN and Phone Number fields in the US I9 and W4 forms are empty or blank.
CAUSE 2: Address
- The OnboardingExternalUser role does not have permission granted to Address Information in Employee Central Effective Dated Entities. As a result, the address is not presented even during the Personal Data Collection Step and then on the compliance forms.
- The Address Type used by the Employee is not 'Home'.
CAUSE 3: Name Fields
- Onboardee Person Type is not configured in Manage Business Configuration
- The OnboardingExternalUser role does not have permission granted to Personal Information in Employee Central Effective Dated Entities. As a result, the required names 'First Name and Last Name' are not presented even during the Personal Data Collection Step and then on the compliance forms.
SOLUTION 1: SSN and Phone Number
- Make sure that the candidate has entered a phone number and their National ID information during the Personal Data Collection step so that the information is sent over to the Compliance Forms.
SOLUTION 2: Address
- Grant the Address Information permission in Employee Central Effective Dated Entities so that the address information is presented to the candidate during Personal Data Collection Step and then to the Compliance Forms
- Ensure that the candidate has provided a 'Home' Address Type as this is where the Compliance Form takes the Employees address.
SOLUTION 3: Name Fields - First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Suffix, etc.
- Make sure that the Onboardee Person Type is configured in Manage Business Configuration > personalInfo element
- Then, grant the OnboardingExternalUser role permission for Personal Information in Employee Central Effective Dated Entities.
See Also
2996660 - OnboardingExternalUser Permission is disabled - Onboarding
2884949 - Default Roles and Groups Not created once ONB 2.0 is enabled
2976369 - Onboarding Dashboard appearing for new hires in Personal Data Collection step
Compliance Forms, First Name, Last Name, Name Fields, Address, Address Information, personalInfo, Onboardee Person Type, BCUI, US I9, SSN, Phone Number, Personal Information, OnboardingExternalUser, OBX, ONB2.0, ONB2, Onboarding , KBA , LOD-SF-OBX-FRM , Compliance 2.0 Country Forms (except i9&EV) , Problem