The Dictionary attributes are not correctly updated if you remove the content of the attribute. To observe the behavior, follow the reproduction steps:
- create a date attribute for a Dictionary category
- create a dictionary entry and add a date to the date attribute. Save the item.
- edit the entry and remove the date. Save the entry
- result: meta-date: ""
- edit the entry once again, and just save it
- result: meta-date: null
Unfortunately, this behavior causes an error in Process Governance, while the connector tries to fetch the information about the Dictionary entry. Because this occurs during the case creation, we are not able to fix the issue with JS script.
This is a known issue and has already been forwarded to our developers to get this fixed. If you are affected by this issue and want to be kept up to date about this issue, please create a ticket in SAP for Me and reference the ticket number SPM-19488.
Process Manager, spm, spg, Process Governance, connector, js script, JS, error, bgs, dictionary, entry , KBA , BPI-SIG-PM-DIC , Dictionary for SAP Signavio Process Manager , Problem