In the Manage Product Master Data app, when searching with the main EAN number, the product is found. However, when an additional GTIN is used, then the product is not found.
- SAP S/4HANA Cloud
- Master Data
Reproducing the Issue
- Open the Manage Product Master Data app
- To the field GTIN enter an additional EAN number
- Click on go
- No data found
The field GTIN in the Manage Product Master Data App is considering the CDS field ProductStandardID. This CDS-field relates to the field MARA-EAN11, which is the Main International Article Number (EAN/UPC).
The additional EAN number is the MEAN-EAN11 field, which is not connected to the GTIN search field.
This is a current SAP Standard behavior.
To enable the search of a product using the additional EAN as well, is a current missing functionality. Therefore, for searching a product the main EAN/GTIN stored in MARA-EAN11 should be used.
See Also
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LO-MD-FIO-MM, Manage Product Master Data, F1602, GTIN, EAN, main EAN, additional EAN, MARA-EAN11, MEAN-EAN11, no data found , KBA , LO-MD-FIO-MM , Fiori UI for Product Master , How To