SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3301329 - X-axis data may disappear unexpected in Bar/Column chart in SAP Analytics Cloud


X-axis data may disappear unexpected in Bar/Column chart in SAP Analytics Cloud 2022.21


SAP Analytics Cloud 

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create two Bar/Column charts in the page, make one is in the left and the other one is in the right side.
  2. For the Bar/Column charts in the left one, set Chart Orientation as Vertical, and show X-Axis Labels.
  3. Save the story and close it.
  4. Open the story again, find after data is loaded, the X-Axis Labels data disappears.


The issue is due to axis alignment feature. When data is loaded to the chart, as automatically axis alignment run, the size was recomputed and break the layout.


Disable axis alignment by the method below:

  • Click Axis of the chart and then click "Reset Axis Line" button.
  • Or click Axis of the chart and then click "Lock Axis Line" button.

See Also

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SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0