Customer created a duplicate incident to a previously logged incident.
Dear Customer,
To ensure that your communication with Technical Support is simple and easy to manage, we ask that only one case be created for a specific matter.
Creating multiple case for the same question may result in you having to repeat the same information to different engineers and requiring an additional effort on your part. It may also divert resources from other case that you or other customers have reported, leading to avoidable delays.
As it seems that this case is a duplicate of another, we would appreciate it if you could close this one while we continue to serve you in the other. Or, if you have a separate matter you would like to report, you can do so here and we will begin working on that.
Best regards,
SAP Technical Support
Duplicate , Duplicate case , case already created , more than one case created for same topic , KBA , CEC-SAL-CPQ , Sales Cloud CPQ , Problem