When customer increases the number of CPUs on a machine running SAP IQ, SySAM reports a lack of CPU license and sets the grace period for the IQ server.
This grace period is set to 90 days.
I. 01/15 10:45:32. 0000000000 Using licenses from: C:\SAP\SYSAM-2_0\licenses\sapiq.lic;C:\windows\system32\*.lic
I. 01/15 10:45:32. 0000000000 Checked out graced license for 16 IQ_CORE (2023.12310/permanent/2f42 f19B C24D E983) will expire Sat Apr 15 06:21:17 2023.
I. 01/15 10:45:32. 0000000000 Failed to obtain license(s) for IQ_CORE feature from license file(s) or server(s).
I. 01/15 10:45:32. 0000000000 Insufficient IQ_CORE CPU licenses. IQ requires 16 IQ_CORE ("CP") CPU licenses for use on this machine but only 8 could be obtained. Check whether additional licenses are available at the SAP Support Portal.
I. 01/15 10:45:32. 0000000000 License feature name: IQ_CORE
I. 01/15 10:45:32. 0000000000 License search path: C:\SAP\SYSAM-2_0\licenses\sapiq.lic;C:\windows\system32\*.lic;
I. 01/15 10:45:32. 0000000000 FlexNet Licensing error:-73,125
I. 01/15 10:45:32. 0000000000 WARNING: IQ functionality that requires the IQ_CORE license will be disabled on Sat Apr 15 06:21:17 2023, unless a suitable IQ_CORE license is obtained before that date.
After 30 days, SAP IQ server will stop unexpectedly as the grace period has expired.
I. 02/15 09:17:08. 0000000000 Using licenses from: C:\SAP\SYSAM-2_0\licenses\sapiq.lic;C:\windows\system32\*.lic
I. 02/15 09:17:08. 0000000000 Failed to obtain license(s) for IQ_CORE feature from license file(s) or server(s).
I. 02/15 09:17:08. 0000000000 Insufficient IQ_CORE CPU licenses. IQ requires 16 IQ_CORE ("CP") CPU licenses for use on this machine but only 8 could be obtained. Check whether additional licenses are available at the SAP Support Portal.
I. 02/15 09:17:08. 0000000000 License feature name: IQ_CORE
I. 02/15 09:17:08. 0000000000 License search path: C:\SAP\SYSAM-2_0\licenses\sapiq.lic;C:\windows\system32\*.lic;
I. 02/15 09:17:08. 0000000000 FlexNet Licensing error:-73,125
I. 02/15 09:17:08. 0000000000 License Checkout Failed for IQ_CORE
I. 02/15 09:17:08. 0000000000 I. 02/15 09:17:08. Exception Thrown from oslib\hos_sysam.cxx:916, Err# 0, tid 766 origtid 766
I. 02/15 09:17:08. 0000000000 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 549 (hos_sysamException); SQLCode: -1006269, SQLState: 'QBC69', Severity: 14
I. 02/15 09:17:08. 0000000000 [21161]: No SYSAM License Available
SAP IQ 16.1
SySAM, IQ, SAP IQ, CPU, license, shutdown, grace period , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , BC-SYB-SAM , Sybase Software Asset Management , Problem
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