SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3302531 - How to check for ABSL involvement in Unexpected System Behavior


You are experiencing unexpected system behavior and want to determine if your ABSL scripting logic is having an impact. However, you do not want to entirely Disable or de-scope the PDI Solution, or impact other users in the system.


  • SAP Business ByDesign
  • SAP Cloud Applications Studio
  • SAP Cloud for Customer 


You can write a small piece of logic to skip over relevant ABSL scripting logic for a particular user:

  1. Reproduce the unexpected behavior and use the Trace functionality in the SAP Cloud Applications Studio.
  2. Identify which ABSL scripts are being called (actions, events, validations, functions).
  3. At the beginning of each script, write the following logic (or similar):

import AP.PC.IdentityManagement.Global;

var identity = Context.GetCurrentIdentityUUID();
var userId = Identity.Retrieve(identity).ID.content;

if (!userId.Contains("SAP_SUPP")){

//script body

} // end of script

NOTE: This can easily be also implemented in the Production Tenant using the Production Bug-Fix functionality.

See Also

Performance ABSL Trace – New functionality in 2005 Release.

Bug Fix in Production and Pre-production Tenants


SDK, PDI, SAAB, Trace, correction patch, bug-fix, switch , KBA , AP-RC-BDS-SCR , ByDesign Studio Scripting (ABSL) , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions ; SAP Cloud Applications Studio all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions