SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3302664 - Error message "Ledger group-specific postings exist" when changing OIM flag


  • When changing the Open Item Management flag for a G/L Account the error message (FAGL_SWITCH_OP090) "Ledger group-specific postings exist" is prompted.


  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Schedule Accounting Data Changes.
  2. Job Template Activate Open Item Management for G/L Accounts.
  3. Enter the G/L Account and any other input parameters.
  4. Check the Job Log
  5. Error message FAGL_SWITCH_OP090 is prompted "Ledger group-specific postings exist"


There are ledger-specific postings on the account. Note that this is not a technical restriction, but a logical one; since it is not possible at all to set the 'ledger group specific' postings to standard open item management. The reason for this should be clear, as the main requirement/requisite for Open Item management is that the balances in ALL ledgers must be the same as the sum of open items. Therefore it is not possible to post 'ledger group specific postings' anymore for a open item managed account. So of course, ledger group specific postings will not be set to Open Item Management, as these could also not be cleared again.


There are two available options;

  1. Create and use new accounts with the OIM option you want.
  2. Alternatively reverse the ledger specific postings for these accounts. Then it would be possible to activate the OIM-feature. 

See Also

Please see the following SAP Help Documentation Activate Open Item Management for G/L Accounts

  1. Consistency checks are performed to ensure that the following criteria are met:

    • The account isn't already managed on an open item basis.

    • There are no ledger-specific journal entry line items.

    • The total number of line items must be the same in all ledgers.

    • No line items have been archived. Exception: If line items have been archived, the balance of the archived line items is zero.

    • All balance carryforwards into the current year are finished.


FAGL_SWITCH_OP 090 , G/L Account Master Data, Manage G/L Account Master Data, FS00, XOPVW,  , KBA , FI-GL-GL-N , Master Data , FI-GL-GL-X , Database Inconsistencies , FI-GL-GL-N-2CL , Master Data (Public Cloud) , FI-FIO-GL-MD , Master Data Apps , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions