Error 605 is reported on allocation pages referencing "unknown objects". The alloc page header is fine, per "dbcc page" output.
"dbcc checkdb does not report any errors on any objects.
LOAD/ONLINE DATABASE of the "affected" db completes without error.
As well as export/import of all the data from the user tables completes without error.
In other words, data integrity and data itself is not compromised.
However the Error 605 results in incessant dumps on the application and users are unable to work, rendering the SAP system unusable. EXAMPLE ERROR and THE PAGE HEADER for the referenced Alloc Page: 00:0010:00000:00012:2023/01/30 03:03:21.80 server Page Information from first read attempt: Page read from cache ppageno = 12938496, pptnid = -1, pindid = 48 pnextpg = 3014661, pprevpg = 4147131440 plevel = 158, pstat = 0x3031 00:0010:00000:00012:2023/01/30 03:03:21.80 server Page Information from second read attempt: Page read from disk ppageno = 12938496, pptnid = 99, pindid = 0 pnextpg = 3, pprevpg = 4975 plevel = 0, pstat = 0x300 00:0010:00000:00012:2023/01/30 03:03:21.80 server An attempt was made to fetch logical page '12938496' from cache 'default data cache'. Page belongs to database 'P71' (4), object '<Unknown>' (0), index '<Unknown>' (48), partition '<Unknown>' (-1) and not to database 'P71' (4), object '' (99), index '<Unknown>' (0), partition '<Unknown>' (99). PAGE HEADER: Page header for page 0x0x7fbcdec84000 pageno=13299200 dealloc_count=767 allocnode=0 ptnid=99 allocation_page dbid=4 timestamp=0009 41c9499e, segmap=0x00000003 (0x00000002 (SEG_DEFAULT), 0x00000001 (SYS_SEGMENT)) page status bits (pstat): 0x300 (0x0200 (PG_AP_PTNID_UPGD_CMPLT), 0x0100 (PG_AP_HAS_PTNID)) page status bits (pstat2): 0x0 (0x00)
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) - 16.0
605, allocation page, object, unknown, objid=99, 8287710, CR 828710, CR#828710, 827728, CR#827728, CR 827728, 827662, CR 827662, CR#827662 , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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