Sequence Order of the added products changes in Sales Quotes when a products to the offer are added in order from the product list.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Prerequisite : Product list is defined for the cutsomer. Based on this, products are added in Sales Quote from the product list.
- Go to Sales work center.
- Go to Sales work center view.
- Click + icon to create new sales quote.
- Go to Product Facet.
- Click "Quick Add Product".
- Click on Product List.
- Product list has many product listed in random sequence.
- Select few products. For example we select the product wihich which has the sequence 1,6, 5, 9, 7 rows of product in this product list.
- Click ok.
- Added product in step 8 are rearranged to 1,5,6,7,9 and not in the same sequence the way it was listed in product list.
Quick add products are sorted in asending order, due to which the product are rearranged.
Product sorting is done as in master data defined.
Product sequence in product list without UI will in the sales quote product facet would appear in the same sequence 1,6,5,9,7 as selected in product list.
products, product sequence, product order , KBA , product screen , product in exact sequence , does not show sequence , sales order , sales quote , LOD-LE-CQP-CO , Lean Sales Orders , Problem