SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3304404 - String Text Field Error


Compensation String Field Error when saving after inputting recommendations


SAP Successfactors Compensation

Reproducing the Issue

1. Navigate to the Worksheet or Executive Review
2. On a string Filed for example (Manager Notes fied)
3. If you enter more that 514 words or 4000 characters 
4. You will get the error below

Your request has not been processed successfully. Please try again.

If the problem persists, please contact client support and provide the event code and the server timestamp below.

900-001-6     Tue Feb 21 10:51:11 EST 2023     Release build b2211.20230217103145 (20230217103145) - 107/sc68bcf1006

Note: Standard industry browsers are supported for use with the SuccessFactors application. Please check the Customer Community or Customer Success web sites for an up to date list of these.


Recommendations/Inputs are more than 4000 characters on the String field.


A string field can only accept 4000 characters.


string field error, words used on a string field, error when adding recommendations on a compensation string field , KBA , LOD-SF-CMP-ADM , Admin Tools, Settings, Permissions , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Compensation 2111