SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3305090 - How To Cancel the Erroneous Goods and Services Receipt (GSR) Against Service Agent


You recorded times against the wrong project task or the wrong purchase order (PO) in the time sheet for a service agent.

Now you want to cancel the erroneous goods and services receipt (GSR) however you cannot cancel the GSR in the work center Goods and Services Receipts. Furthermore you cannot delete the corresponding time entry in the time sheet of the service agent.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

You cannot cancel the GSR:

  1. Go to the Goods and Services Receipts work center.
  2. Go to the Receipts and Returns view.
  3. Mark the relevant GSR and choose Cancel Document.
  4. Choose Cancel Goods and Services Receipt.
  5. You get the information that the GSR was created via Time and labor Management (TLM) and must be canceled there.

You cannot delete the time entry:

  1. Go to the Project Management work center.
  2. Go to the Resources view.
  3. Go to the Service Agents subview.
  4. Mark the relevant service agent and choose Edit Time Sheet.
  5. Navigate to the relevant calendar week and mark the relevant time entry.
  6. The Remove button is grayed out and you cannot delete the wrong time entry.

While cancelling/deleting the employee time from backend error is thrown "No further time confirmation possible for purchase order. It could be because the purchase order has the status Completely Delivered, Canceled, or Finished. Contact your purchasing dept."


You cannot delete the user's time entry from the front end.


Steps to find Project

  1. Go to Purchase order
  2. search and open particular purchase order
  3. navigate to Document Flow tab
  4. Open Sales Order
  5. Under Sales Order, Project name will be available.

You need to change the status of the project back to released to allow the cancellation of corresponding employee time via backend to go through.Follow the below steps :

1. Go to Project
2. Change status to Revoke Closure => Status will be changed to Completed
3. Again change status to Revoke Completion => Status will be changed to Released
4. Remove the Time recording. (System should not throw the error).
5. Change the status of the project back to completed if required.

See Also

1582050 - How To Change Times Recorded on Wrong Project Task or Wrong Purchase Order.


 cancel the GSR, delete the time entry, cancelling/deleting the employee time from backend , KBA , cancel the gsr , delete the time entry , cancelling/deleting the employee time fr , AP-TIM-TIM , Employee Time , Problem


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