SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3305347 - Product with Zero Stock Displayed In Stock Overview


You are able to see the stock of a particular product as Zero quantity. Ideally the stock overview does not display products with zero stock.


Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Physical Inventory work center.
  2. Navigate to the Common Tasks view 
  3. Choose the option Stock Overview. 
  4. Enter the relevant Product and Site related details as per your requirement. 

You can see that the stock of Product is displayed as Zero quantity.


  • This occurs because the stock of relevant product is a decimal value similar to <0.0000000123> quantity. Here, <0.0000000123> is just a sample value.
  • This value is rounded and displayed as zero in stock overview.
  • The reason why this happens is because you have maintained Quantity Conversions in the relevant product master and when the quanties are converted from one to another there will be decimal places as a by-product. 


You will have to adjust the stock to zero to avoid any inconsistency in the stock. Please follow below given steps to do so.

  1. Go to Physical Inventory work center. 
  2. Navigate to the Common Tasks view
  3. Choose the option New Inventory Adjustment
  4. Enter the Storage Location ID for the product and the relevant Key Date (used for financial postings only, has no impact on stock on this date). 
  5. Enter the Product and logistics area related information in which the stock is displayed as Zero quantity and choose the Go button. 
  6. Select the relevant line item and choose the Next button. 
  7. In the Edit Inventory screen, select the checkbox Zero Quantity. 
  8. Choose the Next button and Select Finish. 

You will not be able to see the above product related entry in your stock overview.

See Also


zero quantity in stock overview, 0 in stock, 0 stock, zero quantity in stock , KBA , zero quantity in stock overview , 0 stock , 0 in stock , zero quantity in stock , zero quantity displayed stock overview , fractional decimal values in report , AP-IP-INV , Inventory , Problem


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