SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3305509 - Not Able to Migrate Date/Time Field in Migration of Service Orders


You are trying to migrate Date/Time field in Migration of Service Orders and face the error message:

  • "'yyyy-mm-dd' is not a valid value; edit source value"


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Business Configuration.
  2. Enter the Implementation Projects view.
  3. Select the project.
  4. Open Activity List.
  5. Search for "Migration of Service Orders" and open it.
  6. Open the relevant file.
  7. Click on Execute Migration Step by Step.

The error is shown in the simulation step.


You have created extension fields of type GDT_GLOBAL_DATE_TIME (Timestamp) and for that type the input should be different. If you wish to use date format, the extension fields should be of type APC_V_DATE (Date).


You have two options:

  • Change the type of the extension fields to Date (APC_V_DATE) and use date formats, or
  • Keep the GDT_GLOBAL_DATE_TIME (Timestamp) type and then the inputs should be in the following format: "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS".


Workbench, Excel, Template , KBA , migration of service orders , yyyy-mm-dd' is not a valid value , gdt_global_date_time , yyyymmddhhmmss , apc_v_date , SRD-CC-MIG-DMC , Migration: Tool , How To


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