SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3306634 - Surcharge was Imported Successfully, But You Are Not Able to Find it in The System


We have imported a file for surchage, the status is completed but we are not able to find the sucharge in the ssytem.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Business Configuration - Overview
  2. Search:Migration of Surcharges, open it.
  3. Click 'Migrate surcharges using the migration tool'.
  4. You can see the file is completed status.
  5. Go to the Product and Service Portfolio - Surcharges view.
  6. Show query: Surcharge: Customer / Product, this surcharge is not found.


In migration Template, you are providing Percent as value '0'.  Due to input in 'Percent' column of template, system is considering the scenario as % surcharge.

But currently the Surcharge: Customer/Product is 7PR3 (Surcharge) instead of 7PR2 Surcharge(%). Hence, it was not allowing to modify the entry.


 Make sure you remove 0 from percentage from migration template.


Migration of Surcharges; Not Found; Surcharges. , KBA , AP-PRC-PC , Calculation , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign 2211 ; SAP Business ByDesign 2302 ; SAP Business ByDesign 2305