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3307561 - numeric overflow: "Schema"."Table": line x col y (at pos 000): convert from 2147483648 to Integer type"


A numeric overflow error occurs and produces an ABAP short dump in ST22, when a HANA DML statement attempts to insert data into a table object using the Integer data type  :

Category               Installation error
Runtime Errors         DBSQL_SQL_ERROR
Except.                CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB
Date and Time          25.02.2023 14:38:52

|Short Text                                                                                        |
|    SQL error "SQL code: 314" occurred while accessing table "BCA_PRENOTE_NT".                    |

|What happened?                                                                                    |
|    Database error text: "SQL message: numeric overflow:                                          |
|     "SAPABAP1"."Table_Name": line 14 col 5 (at pos 986): convert                   |
|     from 2147575996 to Integer type"                                                             |


|Database Interface Information                                                                    |
|C|E|status of row 1/6, status=-2, rc=314 [/bas/749_REL/src/dbs/hdb/dbsdbsql.cpp#2067]             |
|C|E|  execute() of C_0433, #rec=0, rc=1, rcSQL=314 [/bas/749_REL/src/dbs/hdb/dbsdbsql.cpp#2090]   |
|C|E|EXECUTE C_0433 on connection 0, rc=314 [/bas/749_REL/src/dbs/hdb/dbslsdb.cpp#10030]           |
|C|1|SQLCODE    : 314 [/bas/749_REL/src/dbs/hdb/dbsdbtrc.cpp#443]                                  |
|C|1|SQLERRTEXT : numeric overflow: "SAPABAP1"."Table_Name": line 14 col 5 (at pos 98|
|C|1|             47575996 to Integer type [/bas/749_REL/src/dbs/hdb/dbsdbtrc.cpp#450]             |
|C|1|stmtid = <13/BCA_PRENOTE_NT                          /33280/20170325144029> [/bas/749_REL/src/|
|C|1|INSERT INTO "BCA_PRENOTE_NT" VALUES( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? ); [/bas/749_REL/src/dbs/dbfun/dbsc|
|B|E|***LOG BY4=> sql error 314    performing INS on table BCA_PRENOTE_NT [dbdbslst#4663]          |
|B|E|***LOG BY0=> numeric overflow: "SAPABAP1"."Table_Name": line 14 col 5 (at pos 98|




SAP HANA Platform Edition 2.0


SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


KBA , HAN-DB-ENG , SAP HANA DB Engines , Problem

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