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3308134 - ERROR: ariba.util.core.FatalAssertionException: User with UniqueName ****** and PasswordAdapter PasswordAdapter1 not found


  1. When I try to create a qualification for a supplier, I get an S4 error message saying "Error executing the request: S4 error ID: NNNNNNNNNNNNN. --- Internal Server error" (being the Ns numbers).
  2. When I look up the ID in Administration > Site Manager > Audit Log, I see the following error around halfway through the stack trace file:
    1. ariba.util.core.FatalAssertionException: User with UniqueName ****** and PasswordAdapter PasswordAdapter1 not found.
    2. Being "******" the ID of the user.



Ariba Buyer 9R1, on-premise edition ; Ariba Buyer 9R2, on-premise edition


KBA , BNS-ARI-SLP , Supplier Lifecycle & Performance , BNS-ARI-SLP-QL , Qualification/Disqualification/Preferred , Known Error

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