SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3309269 - Error:No invoice schedule dates exist


Process communication error in sales order


Warning message in sales order


SAP Business BYDesign

Reproducing the Issue

1)WoC: Sales Orders

2)View: Sales Orders

3)Search for sales order

4)Edit / View all

5)Go to Document Flow and click on the red mark

The following errors have been addressed to your service provider:

- Sales Order XXX cannot process an update sent by a Sales Order


 Please go to application user management  work center and-> process communication errors>   choose "open errors with incidents"

 you will see error with sales order

"No invoice schedule dates exist"

If an item has an invoice schedule then date needs to be maintained.


In the sales order , you can click View All

Go to Pricing and Invoicing tab

Navigate to second sub-tab named Invoice Schedule.

In this, you will see for an item , if you click on an arrow on the left side(to open details), then you will see that dates are missing and those items will not have any other details.



1.remove the invoice schedule  for item,


2.Add date for the invoice schedule of line item ,

Then let us know so that we can restart the process communication message in the back end.

Also you are seeing warning message in the sales order with same message"No invoice schedule dates exist",

Its only a warning because you can take decision to remove or add details  later.


KBA , SRD-PRO-PMN , Project Management , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions