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3309365 - Error:" ACCESS_VIOLATION...AE_Write()...RWThreadFunctionImp::run()" happens when processing larger dataset in CPIDS task - SAP Cloud Integration for data services


  • Task fails when processing large dataset from IBP source.
  • Same task is successful when dataset is smaller from IBP.
  • Error: Registers:==========================================================
    the job failed.
    0x00000000A31BEF50, AE_Write()+16439312 byte(s)
    0x00000000D3A6538F, RWThreadFunctionImp::run()+0127 byte(s)
    0x00000000D3A66B63, RWThreadImp::exec()+0051 byte(s)
    4. Data to populate the tables referenced in the failed job. If not possible, get the last few rows (or sample of them) when
    <XXXX.DMP> Collect the following and send to Customer Support:
    0x00000000A2FCA3D4, AE_Write()+14388372 byte(s)
    R13=00000000A5235018  R14=0000000000000000  R15=0000000000000000
    0x00000000D3A5679E, RWRunnableImp::exec()+0270 byte(s)
    RAX=00000000932F0580  RBX=00000000976217B4  RCX=00000000932C9610  RDX=0000000000000012  RSI=00000000A5235018
    0x00000000A30410FD, AE_Write()+14875069 byte(s)
    5. Core dump, if any, generated from this failed job.
    0x00000000E03A1791, RtlUserThreadStart()+0033 byte(s)
    3. DDL statements of tables referenced in this failed job.
    0x00000000A30424A5, AE_Write()+14880101 byte(s)
    2. Exported ATL file of this failed job.
    1. Log files(error_*, monitor_*, trace_*) associated with this failed job.
    Call stack:
    Fault address:  00007FF9A3170040 01:00000000012CF040 F:\usr\sap\DataServicesAgent\bin\acta.dll
    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION



  • SAP Cloud Integration for data services
  • IBP as source


SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0


CPIDS, CIDS, IBP, AE_Write(), RWThreadFunctionImp, RWThreadImp, ACCESS_VIOLATION,  , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , Problem

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