SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3309708 - Intelligent Services error: OData Service ISEFlow Failed


  • ISC is not triggering IC job
  • "OData Service ISEFlow Failed, Error Status: error, errorThrown:" when trying to access the Flow section of this event in ISC
  • Error "OData Service ISEFlow Failed, Error Status: error, errorThrown:" is displayed when trying to access an event on Intelligent Services Center (ISC)
  • Not able to follow the below process: Event raised in ISC > ISC Event Triggers IC job


SAP SuccessFactors HCM

Reproducing the Issue

1st Scenario - Event example:

  1. "Employee Termination" happens in system
  2. Termination Event Raised in ISC
  3. ISC Event Triggers IC job: Separation Checklist Triggers
  4. IC job upserts termination related data back into SF

2nd Scenario: 

  1. Go to Intelligent Services Center (ISC)
  2. Click on any event that is there available
  3. Error "OData Service ISEFlow Failed, Error Status: error, errorThrown:" is displayed



  • 1st Scenario - The reason for ISC not be interacting with the events is because it is not configured to trigger any IC jobs.
  • 2nd Scenario - Lack of RBP permissions. 


1st Scenario:

2nd Scenario:

See Also

3269399 - Intelligent Services Center - Access Error "OData Service ISEFlow Failed, Error Status: error, errorThrown: Not Found"

3271152 - Intelligent Services Center - Access error when selecting 'Go to Intelligent Service Center' from Integration Center

2769349 - How to trigger an integration center (IC) from Intelligent Services Center (ISC) - SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite 

Edit Intelligent Services Center Actions Within a Flow

Intelligent Services


ISC, IC, trigger event, ISC Event Triggers IC job, OData Service ISEFlow Failed, Error Status: error, errorThrown, OData Service ISEFlow Failed , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-ISC , Intelligent Services , How To


SAP SuccessFactors HXM Core 2211