With reference to Note 2936050, you are unclear on the following point:
"Do not create two new validity periods for the same tax code at once. You must create and transport the validity periods for tax codes one after the other. In this case, you must create and transport the validity period that starts on July 01, 2020, before you can create and transport the validity period that starts on January 01, 2021."
S/4HANA Cloud
You are unclear if the point in Note 2936050 means that tax rate validity periods need to be created one by one in chronological order, or just need to be created one by one.
- It is only possible to create such validity periods one by one in chronological order.
- This is also checked when a new tax rate is saved.
- Note: The error message can be deactivated with configuration activity “Message Control in Tax Area” (SSCUI 103887). However, when a period is created in the past, it overwrites all periods that are after that period's start date.
01/01/1900 06/30/2020 19.000
07/01/2020 12/31/2020 16.000
01/01/2021 12/31/9999 19.000
Change to 20% with start date 01/01/2020 (error deactivated in SSCUI 103887)
01/01/1900 12/31/2019 19.000
01/01/2020 12/31/9999 20.000
See Also
Note 2936050
TDT, Germany, 2936050, validity, period, periods, time, dependent, taxes, chronological , KBA , FI-GL-GL-F-2CL , Value Added Tax (VAT) (Public Cloud) , How To