While you are planning SAP S/4HANA conversion in the Maintenance Planner, there is warning popup about product S/4HANA TM LTA CSL is not compile with target S/4HANA version, for example as below:
But according to the following notes, the product S/4HANA TM LTA CSL is compile with SAP S/4HANA.
3131180 - ABAP Add-on TMCSL 600: Installation, Upgrade, CSPs, Uninstallation
2991380 - ABAP add-on TMCSL 500: Installation, Upgrade, CSPs, Uninstallation
Maintenance Planner
MP, S/4HANA TM LTA CSL, S/4, verify, preparation, Uninstallation, TML2A, TMNAO, TMO2C , KBA , BC-UPG-MP , Maintenance Planning Tools , Problem
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