The customer has enabled API Management capability in SAP Integration Suite and encounters these errors while trying to perform the following tasks:
Use Case 1: Creating an API Proxy without completing the onboarding process.
Use Case 2: Creating an API access plan without completing the onboarding process.
The customer encounters the following error or errors of a similar type:
“Service broker error: Service broker apimanagement-apiportal failed with: {"timestamp":16699247918,"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","exception":"","message":"\" The API Management Subscription does not exist, please subscribe to API Management, API portal and try again\".","path":"/v2/service_instances/2c10c6a-717f-437a-8121-46948c548"}”
Use Case 3: After completing the onboarding process, the customer has chosen the API Access plan but has not provided the role in JSON format or has provided a wrong role and encounters the following error:
Service broker error: Service broker apimanagement-apiportal failed with: {"timestamp":1670077087,"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","exception":"java.lang.NullPointerException","message":"while trying to invoke the method java.util.Map.get(java.lang.Object) of a null object loaded from local variable 'parameters'","path":"/v2/service_instances/a27944e-1982-4da7-ac83-2030c8b31"}
- API Management
- SAP Integration Suite
API Management, SAP API Management, APIM, SAP Integration Suite, API Portal , KBA , OPU-API-OD-DT , Designtime , Problem
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