You are replicating a Business Partner Address from ERP to C4C via interface via BusinessPartnerERPAddressReplicationIn and the incoming message failed with error "Name Missing".
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
1. Check Web Service Message Monitoring;
2. Check incoming message with failed error text: "Name Missing" via BusinessPartnerERPAddressReplicationIn;
3. Check detailed error log, you will see:
--------TypeID 002(//APBP/CENT_ESA/)
--------CategoryCode INC.BOI
--------SeverityCode 3
--------Note Name missing
May due to Code List Mapping of <AddressRepresentationCode> get modified, thus cannot be recoginzed by system.
Under Code List Mapping, the external code of AddressRepresentationCode has been modified as Externl Code = 0.
However you are sending empty value <AddressRepresentationCode> from the payload: e.g. <AddressRepresentationCode/>.
Change back to default setting, which is to delete the value "0" from the external code, remain external code as blank value;
Or send value 0 from external ERP system for <AddressRepresentationCode>.
BusinessPartnerERPAddressReplicationIn, NameMissing, AddressRepresentationCode , KBA , LOD-CRM-INT-ERP , Integration of C4C with ERP , Problem