Potential Symptoms:
1. Observe Service Status as "Stopped" and "Replicas" down on Customer Portal as per the following:
Name | Replicas | Status |
Storefront | 0 / 10 | Stopped |
Background processing | 2 / 3 | Running |
API | 2 / 2 | Running |
Backoffice | 2 / 2 | Running |
2. The following Dynatrace Alert has been observed in regards to Solr Zookeeper Connection Lost:
3. Observe "Error" / "exception" messages in terms of connectivity issue for "Zookeeper" PODs at Kibana
SAP Commerce Cloud
SAP Commerce Cloud 2205
Solr Zookeeper PVC Connection lost , KBA , CEC-SCC-CLA-ENV-EMG , Environment Management , Problem
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