Approval steps are:
1 Step: responsible Manager for cost center (user1)
2 Step: Manager of last approver (user2)
3 Step: Manager of last approver (user3)
Suppose one of the managers has maintained a substitution, for example. In that case, user4 is the substitute for user1, and user1 is also the manager of user4, and the workflow does not send the workitem to the right user after the first step has been approved.
If user4 approves the first step as a substitute for user1, the system sends the workitem to user1 again because he is the manager of user4.
The same happens for step 3. As a result, the user4 has to approve all steps.
- SAP S/4HANA All versions
manager, Manager of Last Approver, flexible workflow, flexible, substitute, manager substitute, , KBA , MM-FIO-PUR-REL , Fiori UI for Purchasing Approval , MM-PUR-GF-WOF , Workflow , Problem
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