- Quering the sysauditoptions shows the following:
1> select * from sybsecurity.dbo.sysauditoptions where name in('sybase_ts_role')
2> go
num val minval maxval name sval comment id status
------ ------ ------ ------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- -----------
25 0 0 3 sybase_ts_role off TS role all-actions auditing
- Running the following commands sp_audit command to change audit option:
1> sp_audit 'all','sybase_ts_role','all',"on"
2> go
Audit option has been changed and has taken effect immediately.
(return status = 0)
- Running the following command to display the audit option:
1> sp_audit 'all','sybase_ts_role','all'
2> go
Role auditing for 'all' is 'on'.
(return status = 0)
- Querying sysauditsoption should show the sval as on but it ramains off:
1> use sybsecurity
2> go
1> select name, sval from sysauditoptions where name = "sybase_ts_role"
2> go
name sval
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
sybase_ts_role off
(1 row affected)
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 for Business Suite
- SAP NetWeaver (NW) - All versions
CR 824320, sval, sysauditoptions, 824320, sp_audit , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Product Enhancement
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