Confirming Cross Docking WT in /SCWM/TO_CONF (opened from /SCWM/ADHU or /SCWM/ADPROD) fails with error:
- Warehouse task &1 was confrimend
- Application error: Exception in method EXECUTE of Determ. PDI_ITM_011
- Exception triggered in include /SCDL/CL_DLV_UPD_DR_I=========CM003 at line 479
- Exception text: Dereferencing of the NULL reference
- Processing error (not possible to save)
Same WT confirmation works for superusers.
SAP Extended Warehouse Management
SAP Extended Warehouse Management - Cross-Docking
/SCWM/DLV2, /SCWM/DLV, ACTVT 02, Authorization check not successful , KBA , SCM-EWM-DLP , Delivery Processing , SCM-EWM-DLP-SF-ID , Inbound Delivery , SCM-EWM-CD , Cross-Docking , SCM-EWM-AUT , Authorization , Problem
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