SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3312860 - Users couldn't submit invoices with reused invoice numbers


On sites configured to allow the reuse of invoice numbers across calendar years, submitting invoices with reused numbers sometimes resulted in an error saying an invoice with the same supplier invoice number already exists. Reuse of invoice numbers across calendar years is controlled by parameter Application.Invoicing.AllowReusingInvoiceNumberAcrossCalendarYear (set by SAP Ariba).

This issue occurred under either one of the following circumstances:

  • The parameter Application.Base.AribaNetworkOrganizationSyncOption (set by SAP Ariba) is set to NoSync.
  • The fiscal year end date is missing for the supplier on SAP Business Network.

The ability to reuse invoice numbers depends on supplier information on SAP Business Network. However, there was no documentation explaining the above dependencies.



Ariba Procurement, cloud edition all versions ; SAP Ariba Procurement, cloud edition all versions


[Change Request ID: AINV-1032] , KBA , BNS-ARI-INV , Invoicing , Product Enhancement

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