- HANA Database CPU is high when you access the CDS view ML4H_CDS_CATEG_H
- The statement Hash for the SQL statement is '74d3229c25a96f60303335a58bd537de'
- At the time of the high CPU you observe that the execution count is high for the problem statement. This can be checked with the below SQL statement:
select snapshot_id, statement_hash, execution_count, avg_execution_time, statement_string
from _sys_statistics.host_sql_plan_cache
where statement_hash='74d3229c25a96f60303335a58bd537de'
order by snapshot_id desc
SAP HANA, platform edition
SAP HANA, platform edition all versions
default_statement_concurrency_limit; , KBA , HAN-DB-PERF , SAP HANA Database Performance , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem
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