You are creating customer contracts via web service. In the web serivce, you have given the tax code for contract item as ABC, but in the created contract, the tax code is XYZ instead of ABC.
(ABC and XYZ represent the tax code ID.)
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Sales Ordrers work center.
- Go to the Contracts view.
- Open the contract created from web service, you notice the tax code on line 10 is XYZ. However in the request payload, the tax code given is ABC.
Modification of Tax details while creating a Contract via web service is not possible. This is currently the designed behavior.
You have to do 2 step modification approach: First create the contract and then send the Tax details as an update modification on the contract.
Reference update payload is attached in the attachment section.
Customer Contract; Web Service; Tax Code; , KBA , AP-SLO-SO , Sales Order , SRD-CRM-ORD , Orders & Contracts , Problem
2nd message to update tax code for line10.txt |