You are using Advanced ICo Stock Transfer along with Quality Management.
You post a 107 (GR to Val.Bl. Stock) goods monement that is used for goods receipt into stock in transit in the receiving plant and a 109 (GR frm Val.Bl.Stock) that is used for stock transfer into physical stock in the receiving plant successfully.
As a result, 2 duplicate inspection lots are generated for the goods receipts.
SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud
duplicate inspection lots, movement type 107&109, Advanced ICo Stock Transfer, SSCUI 103356 - Set QM Check for Each Movement Type, inspection type, inspection origin, QM not active , KBA , QM-IM-IL-2CL , Inspection Lot Creation (Public Cloud) , MM-IM-GR-2CL , Goods Receipt (Public Cloud) , Problem
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