Regular connections issues between SAP Cloud Connector and SAP BTP.
When checking the Logs (ljs_trace) for details, the following message can be seen multiple times: #Unregistered tunnel channel [id: XXXXXXXXXX, L:/XX.XXX.XX:XXXXX ! R:connectivitynotification.<Region>] for tunnelId "account:///XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" #Close tunnel with tunnelId "account:///XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" and clientId "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" #Reconnect attempt #1 to connectivitynotification.<Region> - sleeping for 902 milliseconds #State changed from CONNECTED to RECONNECTING connection with id: XXXXXXX
Additionally, you can see in SCC Administration UI, under "Subaccount Overview" an entry informing "Operational since <sameTimestampAsLastReconnection>".
Indicating a connection was lost and reconnected at the same time as shown in the logs.
SAP Cloud Connector
Cloud Connector, CONNECTED to RECONNECTING, Reconnect attempt , KBA , BC-MID-SCC , SAP Cloud Connector On-Demand/On-Premise Connectivity , Problem
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