- The table rs_statdetail located in database RSSD have the following structure :
create table rs_statdetail
run_id rs_id,
instance_id int,
instance_val int,
counter_id int,
counter_obs numeric(22,0),
counter_total numeric(22,0),
counter_last numeric(22,0),
counter_max numeric(22,0),
label varchar(255)
) - The Replication Server Documentation (Replication Server Reference Manual) is reporting the following information:
Column Datatype Description
run_id rs_id Number assigned to the run or observation period
instance_id int An ID that identifies a module instance.
Counters are grouped by modules. A module may have one instance or multiple instances. Defined module IDs are used when available.
For example, the instance_id for a DSI module is the database ID associated with the DSI.
instance_val int An ID that identifies a module instance when instance_id can not identify it uniquely.
counter_id int Unique counter identification number
counter_obs int Number of observations
counter_total int Total of observed values for the run or observation period
counter_last int Last observed value for the run or observation period
counter_max int Maximum observed value for the run or observation period
label varchar(255) Descriptive information about the module instance associated with the counter, such as the data server and database name.
- Datatype reported by the documentation are not matching with the real datatype of the following columns: counter_obs - counter_total - counter_last - counter_max
SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0
SAP Replication Server all versions
rs_statdetail, counter_obs, counter_total, counter_last, counter_max, datatype, int, numeric, documentation , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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