A replication with SuccessFactors fails with the following error:
"Mapping for Data Type APC_S_REGION_CODE, Code ABC, and Local Context XYZ does not exist" (where ABC represents a region code and XYZ a Local Context code)
However, due to character limit of 20 for the region code field in Code List Mapping in ByD, it does not seem to be possible to map the region code ABC.
SAP Business ByDesign
As the Code List Mapping is not maintained, follow the below steps:
Step a)
- Go to Business Configuration work center
- Click on Overview view
- Search for Activities
- Search for Regions and click on it
- Click on Add row
- Select the Country/Region and name the code as per your choice
Note: Here it s not mandatory to maintain the exact same description as what’s received from Employee Central. It is possible to maintain any description (within 20 characters limit) which will help to identify this region code with this description within SAP Business ByDesign. This is not going to impact integration in any way.
Step b)
Now, it is necessary to maintain the same in activity Code List Mapping for Integration with External Applications and Solutions::
- Go to Business Configuration work center
- Click on Overview view
- Select Activities
- Search for Code List Mapping for Integration with External Applications and Solutions
- Select it
- Click on Maintain Code List Mapping
- In section Code List mapping Definition, filter for RegionCode as Local Data Type Name
- Select Employee Central Integration
- In section Code List Mapping Rule, maintain the Mapping Rule and the Local Context as XYZ
- In section Code List Mapping, maintain Local Code as <Code that you maintained in step a)>, External Code as <ABC>, and then save the changes
Note: This is the mapping which is required during employee query and replication from Employee Central. Also, it can have length up to 40 character which is sufficient for most use cases.
employee central, impossible, how to solve, unable, not able, message, country , KBA , SRD-HR-TLM , Time and Labour Management , Problem