SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3316395 - Report missing in the Home work center in ByDesign


You have assigned a report to the Home work center, but when you navigate to the reports list in this work center, the report is missing.


SAP Business byDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Home work center and the view Reports - List.
  2. Search for your report - it is not available here.


The reports in the Home work center allow users to see all the reports that they are assigned to see via other work center view assignments.

So for example, if you assign different reports to the work centers Sales Orders, Account Management and Marketing, and if users are assigned to these work centers as well, they will see all these reports in the Home reports list.

It would not be meaningful to assign a report to the Home work center itself, since every user has access  to this work center, so it does not provide much access restriction.


Please assign the reports to other work centers / views (depending on the data in the report). Afterwards, if users are assigned to those work center views, theywill see the report in Home as well.


report missing, home, reports list, overview, launchpad, business analytics, report assignment, assigned, not available , KBA , AP-RC-ANA , C4C, ByD, Travel: Analytics Tools & Frameworks , How To


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