- Copy Job log displays Warning You are not authorized to change <XX> aggregated values.
- In the downloaded Planning Object Log.CSV file, the rejected attributes values are captured like:
Product ID, Customer ID, Severity, Message
P101, C101, Warning, This value can't be changed. - Attribute filters are selected in the Copy Operator settings or a Planning Filter is selected when scheduling the job.
- Parameter Consider Permission Filter (Write) = Yes is set.
- The warning comes for specific Business User only.
- For the affected Business User, Permission Filter is defined with Restricted Read Access or Write Access or both.
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SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain (SCM-IBP)
SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain all versions
Copy Job Warning, Permission Filter, User, value not copied, restricted, Consider Permission Filter, Planning Filter, Attribute Selection, Write Access, Read Access , KBA , SCM-IBP-OPR-CPY , Copy Operator , SCM-IBP-SEC-VF , Permission Filters , SCM-IBP-BF-DIS , Disaggregation , Problem
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