SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3316491 - The IFlows in CPI are not capable to create single ZIP files with SFTP Sender Adapter


There is an required scenario in Cloud Integration environment for custom Integration Flow that uses SFTP Sender Adapter and SFTP Receiver Adapter. The scenario would be the following: The SFTP Sender Adapter sends multiple files from the source SFTP folder. The next would be to compress them into a single file (.ZIP) and send the created .ZIP file to the receiver system through SFTP Receiver Adapter at the end of the scenario. This is not possible due to product limitation.



  • SAP Cloud Integration
  • SAP Integration Suite


Cloud Integration all versions ; SAP Integration Suite all versions


CPI, Cloud Integration, HCI, Integration Suite, SFTP Sender Adapater, SFTP Receiver Adapter, ZIP files, compress files, Integration Flow, ZIP single file , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-CON-SOAP , SOAP Adapter , Problem

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