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3316651 - [IN] Operator is returning value as False (0) when used with CTX and TABLE tag in CPQ


  • We have a Custom table in CPQ and we are using a combination of CTX tag and Table tag to get and match the result.
  • When we use the standard [IN] conditional operator it is resulting incorrect result.
    For example:
    Using <*CTX ( Quote.CustomField(<CustomFieldName>).AttributeValueCode )*> we are getting A1 as a value.

    Using <* TABLE ( SELECT ColumnName1 FROM TableName WHERE  ColumnName2= 'Value' ) *> we are getting values as A0,A1,A2 from the custom table.


  • But when we use the below formula we get incorrect result:
    [IN](<*CTX ( Quote.CustomField(<CustomFieldName>).AttributeValueCode )*>,<* TABLE ( SELECT ColumnName1 FROM TableName WHERE  ColumnName2= 'Value' ) *>) is returning 0 instead of returning 1.


  • When we use the same formula using the below formula,
    [IN](A1,A0,A1,A2) we are getting the correct result as 1.





SAP CPQ 2020


[IN] operator, IN operator, IN, CPQ, TABLE tag, CTX tag, definition, value, formula, True, False, 1, 0, [IN](value, value1, value2, value3, ...) , KBA , CEC-SAL-CPQ , Sales Cloud CPQ , Problem

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