It is not clear how/when the system uses the field "standard quantity" of Purchasing Info Record.
Check below scenarios and reasons to clarify the field usage:
If, during condition maintenance in the info record, you base the price on a price unit > 1 (for example, on 100 pcs.), rounding errors are liable to occur if supplementary conditions exist and the standard quantity in the info record is not at least as large as the price unit. If the standard quantity is significantly smaller than the price unit, the variances from the expected price may be quite considerable.
During the price computation, the system always uses the standard quantity. When converting the price to reflect the (smaller) standard quantity (this is done in the conditions program), the system is forced to round off. When multiplying back with the standard quantity, it is liable to produce variations from the correct price.
You can avoid the rounding errors by choosing a standard quantity that is at least as large as the price unit. If, for example, you have a price of 214.75 Eur / 1000 pcs., choose 1000 as the standard quantity as well. The standard quantity will now be used for price simulation purposes. Incidentally, the correct price is always taken in the PO, irrespective of which price is shown in the info record.
Standard quantity, Purchasing Info Records. , KBA , MM-PUR-VM-REC , Info Record , How To