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3317399 - Expiration date conflict error occur during the shortening of retention time in ILM store


When user wants to shorten the retention time for an existing Archived file, they have to change the rules and create a new file. Then while running ILM store process following errors can be seen in store job log:  

  1. “592: Error during changing of WebDAV property
    DA Service Message: PROPERTY SET: Error occurred while setting properties for URI
    /<SID>/000/ad/<ARCHIVE OBJECT>/<YYYYMMDD>/ on archive store *: expiration_date 409 Conflict null”

  2. 592: Error during changing of WebDAV property
    DA Service Message: PROPERTY_SET:Could not set the property for URI in store *. Cause:expiration_date403 Forbidden 

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  • SAP S/4HANA OP release


ILM, Information Lifecycle Management, IRMPOL, ILM Policies, Retention Rules, ILM Store, 409, 403, expiration_date 409 Conflict null, expiration_date 403 Forbidden, PROPERTY_SET, 403 Forbiden , KBA , BC-ILM-STO , ILM Store , Known Error

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