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3317555 - Secure store error: Interfaces/SecureStore/impl/UserProfilePath.cpp:753 - (91001) System call 'getpwuid' failed, rc=14:Bad address


  • DBSQL_CONNECTION_NO_METADATA dumps are occurring in ST22, due to "rc=14:Bad address" according to the "Database Interface Information" of the dump.
Category               External Error
Date and Time          22.03.2023 13:03:34 (CET)

|Short Text                                                                                        |
|    No metadata found for database connection "R/3*SAP_2TH_CONNECT_APPL_LOG".                     |

|What happened?                                                                                    |
|    The metadata for database connection "R/3*SAP_2TH_CONNECT_APPL_LOG" could not                 |
|     be found due to                                                                              |
|    error 99 in the Database Shared Library (DBSL).                                               |
|Error analysis                                                                                    |
|    Check the connection data for reusable database connection                                    |
|     "R/3*SAP_2TH_CONNECT_APPL_LOG". Check                                                        |
|    whether the database release is up to date too.                                               |

Category               External Error
Date and Time          22.03.2023 13:03:34 (CET)

|Short Text                                                                                        |
|    No metadata found for database connection "R/3*TXH".                                          |

|What happened?                                                                                    |
|    The metadata for database connection "R/3*TXH" could not be found due to                      |
|    error 99 in the Database Shared Library (DBSL).                                               |

|Database Interface Information                                                                    |


|C|1|connect via secure store failed, rc = -10757 (Secure store error: Interfaces/SecureStore/impl/|
|C|E|Connect to database failed, rc=-10909, rcSQL=-10757 [/bas/785_REL/src/dbs/hdb/dbhdbsql.cpp#612|
|C|1|SQLCODE    : -10757 [/bas/785_REL/src/dbs/hdb/dbsdbtrc.cpp#617]                               |
|C|1|SQLERRTEXT : Secure store error: Interfaces/SecureStore/impl/UserProfilePath.cpp:753 - (91001)|
|C|1|             uid' failed, rc=14:Bad address [/bas/785_REL/src/dbs/hdb/dbsdbtrc.cpp#624]       |

  • All services are up and available on the HANA DB however:
    host-hana:HDB:sidadm /usr/sap/SID/HDB02:PRIMARY 4> sapcontrol -nr 02 -function GetProcessList



name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid

hdbdaemon, HDB Daemon, GREEN, Running, 2023 03 10 22:29:01, 560:49:23, 29599
hdbcompileserver, HDB Compileserver, GREEN, Running, 2023 03 10 22:30:20, 560:48:04, 31415
hdbindexserver, HDB Indexserver-FBP, GREEN, Running, 2023 03 10 22:30:25, 560:47:59, 31586
hdbnameserver, HDB Nameserver, GREEN, Running, 2023 03 10 22:29:02, 560:49:22, 29650
hdbpreprocessor, HDB Preprocessor, GREEN, Running, 2023 03 10 22:30:20, 560:48:04, 31418
hdbwebdispatcher, HDB Web Dispatcher, GREEN, Running, 2023 03 10 22:31:23, 560:47:01, 34053
hdbxsengine, HDB XSEngine-SID, GREEN, Running, 2023 03 10 22:30:25, 560:47:59, 3158

  • Using the 'top' command on the Netweaver-S/4 Application server, it is observed that the system is not accessible and it is getting hung :

2230 sidadm 20 0 52.097g 0.014t 0.014t R 100.0 23.43 44:00.44 SID_00_BT+
15681 sidadm 20 0 51.829g 5.956g 5.858g R 96.35 9.470 1:17.42 SID_00_DI+
22699 sidadm 20 0 52.043g 0.014t 0.013t S 81.40 22.36 27:57.19 SID_00_BT+
24617 sidadm 20 0 52.314g 0.012t 0.011t R 80.07 19.13 73:25.44 SID_00_BT+
2632 sidadm 20 0 51.829g 4.233g 4.134g S 76.08 6.730 5:14.72 SID_00_DI+
24016 sidadm 20 0 51.819g 3.579g 3.498g S 30.56 5.690 1:21.34 SID_00_DI+
25895 sidadm 20 0 51.965g 0.012t 0.012t S 30.56 19.75 39:52.91 SID_00_BT+
21873 sidadm 20 0 51.821g 0.011t 0.011t S 23.92 17.96 4:35.52 SID_00_DI+
18333 sidadm 20 0 1561944 20192 13508 S 4.651 0.031 609:11.49 en.sapSID+
5709 dacadm 20 0 8219888 449844 20 S 3.322 0.682 170:58.69 jstart
13853 sidadm 20 0 51.827g 7.986g 7.885g S 3.322 12.70 8:12.06 SID_00_DI+
20518 sidadm 20 0 51.814g 3.925g 3.854g S 2.990 6.241 0:40.66 SID_00_DI+
21605 sidadm 20 0 916492 34988 28956 S 1.329 0.053 56:01.07 gwrd
15376 sidadm 20 0 51.798g 1.452g 1.406g D 0.997 2.308 0:33.09 SID_00_DI+
8971 sidadm 20 0 53.899g 0.012t 9.792g D 0.664 18.99 384:42.16 SID_00_BT+



SAP HANA, Platform Edition 2.0



SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0 ; SAP S/4HANA 2020


KBA , HAN-DB-CLI , SAP HANA Clients (JDBC, ODBC) , BC-CST , Client/Server Technology , SV-PERF , Performance Problems , Problem

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