SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3319148 - Costs view is not available in Display Production Order app


When checking an order in Display Production Order app (CO03), you're not able to access the option Costs. 


SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Display Production Order app.
  2. Select an order.
  3. Go to menu option.
  4. Click on the GOTO option.
  5. Option Costs not available.


There are two possible reasons for the sympton:

  • There is a restriction for business catalog Production Control (Discrete) - Order Control.


  • You're using the feature "Adapt UI for Classic Applications with Screen Personas" to adapt the UI.


Restriction for business catalog Production Control (Discrete) - Order Control (SAP_SCM_BC_PRODN_ORD_CTRL_MC)

Business catalog Production Control (Discrete) - Order Control (SAP_SCM_BC_PRODN_ORD_CTRL_MC) has a restriction called "Hide price information in production/process orders.", this restriction restricts the ability to display price information in production/process orders for each plant and order type. 

The following price information is affected:

  • Costing reports in the production and process order.
  • Price in the External Processing operation detail tab.
  • Valuation price in the Purchasing Data component detail tab.
  • Price columns in the documented goods movement overview in the production and process order.
  • Price columns in several lists in the production or process order information system and mass processing.
  • Fields created with the app Custom Fields of the type "Amount with Currency" in the production and process order header, operation and component detail tab, and in the corresponding lists of the order information system.

Please check if the restriction is correctly maintained in the Maintain Business Roles app, for the role to which the business catalog Production Control (Discrete) - Order Control (SAP_SCM_BC_PRODN_ORD_CTRL_MC) is assigned.


Feature "Adapt UI for Classic Applications with Screen Personas"

This feature allows people to adapt screens using the no-code WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor and automating user input by leveraging the low-code script editor.

You can see more details about the feature in the following SAP Blog:

Check if the adapt UI is active for the app, and adjust the configuration.

See Also

SAP Blog - Getting Started with UI Adaptations for Classic Applications in SAP S/4HANA Cloud


Restriction, restrict, adapt, Personas, UI, business catalog, Production Control (Discrete) - Order Control, SAP_SCM_BC_PRODN_ORD_CTRL_MC, app, cost, S/4HANA Cloud, unable, not available, , KBA , PP-FIO-SFC-2CL , Fiori UI for Production Orders (Public Cloud) , PP-SFC , Production Orders , PP-SFC-2CL , Production Orders (Public Cloud) , PP-FIO-SFC , Fiori UI for Production Orders , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions