System copy of AS ABAP System failed in ABAP import phase using Software Provisioning Manager (SAP Note: 1680045) by packages. The source and target system are non-unicode.
The non-unicode code page of source system differs from 1100 (like 1610, 8000, 8300, etc). The import was started with standard 1100 non-unicode code page.
The logfiles of the failed packages contain the error entries like: (/<sapinst_instdir>/.../ SAPuptool_<table>.log or <package>.log):
A1EEIMP 008 Task failed with error: Premature end of cluster item encountered: deviation detected in key field 2 of 5, page last read : #0
A1EEIMP 008 Pages remaining: 2
A1EEIMP 008 Failed to unpack cluster item
A1EEIMP 008 Cluster key is: '###' '###' '###' '###'
A1EEIMP 008 Current row in buffer is ###/###
A1EEIMP 008 (CNV) Data conversion failed
A1WEGEN 001 Table "TADIR" does not exist, no check for basis table possible
A1EEIMP 008 Task failed with error: page zero missing; page 1 encountered instead
A1EEIMP 008 Cluster key is: '###' '###' '###' '###'
A1EEIMP 008 Current row in buffer is ###/###
A1EEIMP 008 (CNV) Data conversion failed
A1EEIMP 008 Task failed with error: (CLU) Wrong sequence of page number: 0 followed by 3
A1EEIMP 008 (CLU) Last key was ###/###
A1EEIMP 008 (CLU) Current cluster key is ###/###
A1EEIMP 008 (CNV) Data conversion failed
System copy of all AS ABAP System based on SAP NetWeaver 7.# with non-unicode code page differs from 1100.
KBA , BC-INS-MIG , OS/DB Migrations with SWPM and DB refresh , BC-I18-UNI , Unicode , BC-INS-SWPM , Installation with Software Provisioning Manager , Problem
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