- All the Adapter instances are in shutdown status(Yellow), not able to startup.
- Only common error in the adapter logs: Host and port for the access server are not defined in startup configuration.
- Restarting DS job service doesn't help.
- Delete and add the adapter again, which doesn't help either.
- Run command Source $LINK_DIR/bin/, it returns error:
export: command not found
- Red Hat Linux OS
- SAP Data Services 4.3
SAP Data Services 4.3
cannot, shutdown, shut down, crash, not able, start up, ByDAdapter, DPBridgeAdapter, HiveAdapter, HTTPAdapter, JDBCAdapter, JMSAdapter, MongoAdapter, OdataAdapter, SalesForceAdapter, ShapefileAdapter, SuccessFactorsAdapter, TestAdapter, VCFAdapter, WebServiceAdapter , KBA , EIM-DS-SVR , Administration/Server , Problem
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