Whenever the preference of a BOM is determined, the logs of this calculation are saved in the determination logs. If the table containing these logs get too big, eventually it might take up too much space, or slow down other processes that use this table, like the aforementioned preference calculation.
- Global Trade Services (GTS)
- Global Trade Services / Logistics Services (SLL)
- SAP Global Trade Services
SAP Global Trade Services 11.0
Global Trade Services, GTS, Risk Management, Risk, Preference, Preference Determination, Preference Calculation, Archiving, Archive, Delete, /SAPSLL/PRFPMRC, Archive Preference Determination Data, archiving object PRFCALC, /SAPSLL/PRE_CAL_404
, KBA , SLL-LEG-RSK-PRE , Risk: Preference Management , Problem
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