This document aims to clarify most frequently asked questions in SD pricing area, which are related to the standard system behaviors, and troubleshooting. It contains a large list of SAP notes, KBAs, and related documents, separated by topic.
- Pricing determination
- Pricing calculation
- Group condition/Header condition
- Pricing copy
- Rounding
- Customizing
- Performance
- New net price list/Price Inquiry Interface PIQ_CALCULATE
- Dump or error message
- Condition update
- Condition exclusion
- Authorization
- Pricing print out
- S/4HANA migration
- Sales And Distribution (SD)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
Pricing Analysis, COND_PROTOCOL_SHOW, COND_PROTOCOL_UPDATE, COND_PROTOCOL_GET, COND_PROTOCOL_SHOW_NEW, SAPLV61U,VE 002, 108, V/08, VBRK-KALSM, LV61A022, FF 805, 799, KUWEV_FUELLEN_VBADR, VOK8, MV45AF0K_KUWEV_FUELLEN_VBADR, xvbadr, kuwev-txjcd, tkomk-txjcd, vbrp-txjcd, Tax statement item missing for tax code, adrda, VPRS, batch, EVRWR, V1 212, pricing procedure, VA21, VA31, VA41, Manage Sales Inquiries, SG105, TKOMK-TAXK1; Customer Classification; Credit memo request; Debit request;VBAK-TAXK1;VBAK-VBTYP;VBAP-VGBEL. VBO2, VB(7, RBT_ENH_VB7, extended rebate, rebate settlement, partial final payment, VE008, 008, removed manually, record exists, credit memo, withholding, class W, A, discount, surcharge, previous access, KZEXL set, agreement,record, VF01, VF02, VF03,old, new, enhanced EDI1, EDI2, customer expected price, KNTYP, V1208, price redetermination vacond, repricing, twice condition, duplicated wrong,unit, komp-netwr, komp-netpr, ykpein,kpein, kmein, YKBETR, YKWERT, YKMEIN, YKSTEU, YKMPRS, decimal places, fixed point arithmetic, Power of ten, 10^N, factor, 10, KONV, KONP, CURR, QUAN, DEC, KBETR, t005-xskfn, WIA, xwia, SKTO, Partial delivery, milestone billing,scale base basis, level, T685A-KOFRS,Formula value netwr, proportion, percentage kbetr, daily weekly monthly yearly day week month annual period, time interval, period-dependent, Day, month, week, year, calculation MNOP period rule, dependency, SBZRR,kntyp=G, document, gross weight XKOMV_KBETR_FROM_KWERT, LV61AA80, XKOMV-KBETR, XKOMV-KFAKTOR, XKOMV-KWERT, YKFAKTOR, XKBWERT Gross procedure classification, Subtotal; different; Same; Zwisu; JTC1, TCS, TCS threshold, FV63A002, FV63A364, formula 004, T683S-KOFRA, intercompany, SDNETPR0, UTXD, UTXJ, VERTEX, SABRIX, Taxware cost, RVIVAUFT, third party, quantity, TVCPF-FKMGK, copy control, VTFA, VOFM, Goods Receipt, Invoice LV60A036, routine absolute amount, header disappear, amount Rounding difference, group key routine, cumulated KDIFF, RDIFA, GRLNR, T685A, V/06, M/06 KONPT-VTEXT, T685T-VTEXT, KOMVD-SPLIT_KEY XKOMV_AUFBAUEN_KOPFSUMMEN, LV61AA60, dynpro SAPLV69A 6201 Method DETERMINE_SPLIT_KEY, BAdI definition BADI_V61A, enhancement spot ES_V61A_BADI Steuerkennzeichen, Verdichtung, Kopfebene sum items, vbap, inconsistency, header, discrepancy, statistical, kowrr, Group 'B', difference adjustment, distribution ratio, key, quotient, PRICING_COMPLETE, LV61AU02 KGRPE, cannot reflect, gkomv-key, lose new activate screen, old basis LAUFNR, GKOMZ-ZAEHK, KNPRS, TVCPF, TVCPA, STFKZ, Copy processes, PRICING_COPY, LV61AU15 Active ingredients Debit memo; correction request; Screen; Editable; Greyed out; FELDAUSWAHL_STATUS; MV45AFFE_FELDAUSWAHL_STATUS. VH 810, VF 525, down payment process, milestone, VF06, Double, duplicate, VE111, VE207, VTAF, determination,cross company, replenishment Price source, TVCPF-PRSQU, VTFL, MM Lieferplan comparison, 5-Rappen DIFF, REINH, T001R error KBETR rounding, differences VF11, cancellation, KSTEU, cancellation GKOMV Cross-document quantity conversion, pound T685A-GANZZ,rounding, foreign currency, currency translation, GANZZ, SAPLV61A, ME21, ME22, ME21N, ME22N Quantity differences, ROUND_SIGN, UNIT_CONVERSION_SIMPLE, LSCV0U07 Rundungsdifferenz, KOMV-KDIFF, Reference step V/07, KZINI, initial indicator, carry out without no free charge, goods, item, text 100% PRSFD, relevant can be input, amount/percent, manual entries, Select a document for, Double conditions, category, Customizing types, Delivery class, table, upgrade, Scale, CC request 217906, change, 217951, Duplication entry, Exclusion. exclusion, structure KDUPL,MANUB, MANUELLE_B, Costs, profit, list deal,062,
interactive, pre-step, database,list, NPL, limitations, restrictions, IV_CALLER_ID, PIQ_PREP_KEY_C_V,CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB; SAPLV45U; KONV_BEARBEITEN; VTAF; DATEN_KOPIEREN_053; number, internal v1, collective, order, X-Message, Dump, Transactions e.g. Program Order, requirement 204, LV61A204, KOBEV_204, KOBED_204, Requirement, outputs, copying data transfer, formulas, account material listing, risk management, check, syntax 237, contribution margin, messages, KZWIW, Calculation type, Reference step "G", T682, T682I, T682Z, M/07, ZIFNA, QUDIW, QUSTR, SD_COND_ACCESS, IMPORT FROM MEMORY, XVAKE_MEM, Field assignment, Price simulation, Free of charge, Free goods, Free item, Text item, PRSFD, KAEND_BTR, V_T685A-KAEND_BTR, VT510, VT 510, KUNAG, KUNRG, KOMG, field catalog,T683S, OVKK, T683, V_T683S, Client copy, VT520, Interval scale, KZBZG, KSTBS, KSTBM, KONMS, KFAKTOR1, KOPOS, Period, KRECH, SBZRR, PRICING_DETERMINE_DATES, Proposed condition, predefined price elements, TAXK1, FV64A005, Billing plan, USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMX, Net price, NETPR,MANUC, MANUELLE_C, LV61AA56, inclusive bonus quantity,NRAB, NA00, NA0001, FRM_KOND_BASIS_029, KOMP_FG_RECALC, RVAB02, MWIS, MWIG, KOMP_MATERIAL_CHANGED, List Price, Sales deal, Sales Arrangement, KNUMA_AG, XKNUMA, XKOMPLOOP, PB1, PB1D, PBU, PBUD, Tax classification,Tax, Buffering, TK203, KOMP-PRSGR, PIQ, V_NLN, Price Inquiry Interface, PIQ_CALCULATE, V_NLN, CALC_FXD_AMNT_GRP_COND_ON_ITEM, CS_CONTROL, SNRO, BADI_PIQ_SDPRICELIST, METHOD PREPARE_PRICING, METHOD PREPARE_PRICING_CALL, Multiple Addresses, Enhancement spot ES_PIQ_PREPARE, BaDI definition BADI_PIQ_PREPARE, Include MV45AFZZ, ZAEHK, Partition, T684, T681; USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMK, USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP, IV_CALLER_ID, PIQ_PREP_KEY_C_V, DBSQL_DUPLICATE_KEY_ERROR, V1 237, DATEN_KOPIEREN_053, V1 212, CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB, SAPLV45U, KONV_BEARBEITEN; Manage Sales Inquiries, VT508;Condition Table; Access Sequence; KOZGV; Usage;OV20, XKOMV-ZAEHK, VARCOND, Variant Conditions, Counter, Overflow, FXKONV, SAPLV60U, OV30, OV31, OV32, VT665, SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC, DBSQL_DUPLICATE_KEY_ERROR, RV_SALES_DOCUMENT_ADD, RV_INVOICE_POST, RV60SBAT, RV_BELEG, SNRO, v1, 806, KOMT1, XKOMV-IX_KOMT1, PRICING_REFRESH, VA01, VA02, VA03, VA21, VA22, VA23, VA31, VA41, VA42, VA43, VF01, VF02, VF03, VF04, SDBILLDL, Sales Order, Pricing, Conditions, LV61AA55, KOMV-KMXWR, KOMV-KMXAW, Condition update, Max condition value, KAWRT, OMO1, VI01, X665, Maximum condition value, Parallel order creation, KOZGF, Locks, Performance, RV60SBAT, KOUPD, V1635, S071, T685A-KNTYP, KZNEP, VA00, Exclusion group, T684-KAUGR, T684S-KAUVF, Condition base value, Kinak, KAEND_WRT, T685T, XKOMV_BEWERTEN, XKOMV_AUSSCHLUSS, Inactive, Subtotal, Zwisu, zaehler, VH609, LV69AF21, KOT_ENDE, SAPLV69A, SAPLV61A, PRICING_DIALOG_PAI, Net amount, Sum of items, VBAP, Statistical, Kowrr, KSCHL, VTEXT, V1806, XKOMV-IX_KOMT1, PRICING_COMPLETE, Print Preview, Condition prestep, KOMK-KALSM, LV61AA12, Account determination, value-added tax code, MWSK1, LV61AA59, XKOMV_KOPFSUMMEN_PRINT, Print output, KZVBR, Printout indicator, LV61AU11, LV61AU12, KMANU, VK11, Totals indicator, Header discount, Make-to-order production, Currency Translation, Local Currency, Document Currency, Euro WAERK, HWAER, WAERS, RSNAST00, Migration, WEGXX, RV_PRICE_PRINT_HEAD, RV_PRICE_PRINT_ITEM, GET_HEADER_PRICES, LVEDFF0G, XKOMV-AUSSCHLUSS, GET_ITEM_PRICES, S/4HANA, KONV_MIGRATION, Pre-transformation check, STUFE, KONV, KOMK, KOMP, KONP, VCKEY,FAQ, PRCD_ELEMENTS, PRC_MIG_POST_PROCESSING, MIGRATE_PRICING_MSG. , KBA , SD-BF-PR , Pricing , How To
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