SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3323621 - SAP SuccessFactors Cross-System Workflow: content package updates


You wish to update the SAP Build Process Automation live process content package “Cross System Workflow for SAP SuccessFactors Solutions” to the latest version available.


SAP SuccessFactors Cross-System Workflow


Product enhancement


Before updating to the latest version, we recommend backing up the settings you may have made in an earlier release (2H 2022 or 1H 2023) of the content package.

The content package contains three types of artifacts:

- Workflows

- Decisions

- Process Visibility Scenario


The workflows contained in the 2H 2023 version of the content package replace the workflows that were deployed with earlier versions. Each process that you start for cross-system workflow after the update uses the new version of the workflow. No additional backup or configuration is needed for this artifact type.


For decisions, a new project version (3.2.0) is added to the content package. When accessing decisions in the content package from the SAP Build Process Automation Lobby, you may only see the new version of the decisions. The new version does not automatically have the values in the decision tables that you have configured in an earlier version. The new decisions are not deployed automatically. This means that the processes of cross-system workflow continue to call the decisions (decision tables) that you have previously configured.


Before you update the content package to the 2H 2023 version, you can use the Excel export feature to create a backup of the configured decision tables.  Open the content package from the Lobby, select each decision separately, and export your latest configuration. This ensures that you don’t lose any configuration that you have made. You can use the Excel files to import your configuration again to the decisions of the 2H 2023 version.


Alternatively, you can use the “Manage Rule Projects” app located at Monitor -> Dashboard -> Business Rules to create a copy of the decisions that you have configured in an earlier version after applying the 2H 2023 update. Select the CrossSystemWorkflow project and choose “History”. You should see the new version 3.2.0 as well as all versions you released before, such as 3.0.1.  Select the latest version you created in an earlier release and choose “Copy to draft”. This will create a draft version which you can access directly via the content package from the Lobby. However, the changes that have been made by SAP in this release will not be reflected in the decision tables. Since these are only minor changes, this has no impact on the functionality.

With the “Manage Rule Projects” app, you can compare the decisions released by SAP in version 3.2.0 with your decisions from an earlier release. This app also provides more flexibility when changing decision tables than the view that you can access from the Lobby. You can adjust the decision tables of your earlier version to have the same columns as the corresponding decisions released with 2H 2023. After making changes in the “Manage Rule Projects” app, you can release and activate the decisions from the Lobby.


In the 1H 2023 release, SAP has added only the following columns to the already existing decisions:

  • Decision “PhaseDetermination”: Added “Legal Entity”
  • Decision “PhaseCountDetermination”: Added “Legal Entity”
  • Decision “ERPProcessDetermination”: Added “Legal Entity”
  • Decision “DRMStatusCheckConfigurationProvider”: Added “Country” and “Legal Entity”


In the 2H 2023 release, SAP has added the new decision “Data Replication Push Destination Determination”. It is not mandatory to adopt this change in an earlier version as the invocation of the decision is optional.


Process Visibility

The process visibility scenario currently does not have a versioning concept comparable to that of the decisions. When you update the content package from version an earlier version to version 2H 2023, the previously configured scenario may no longer be accessible. Therefore, we recommend that you manually backup any changes that you have made in the process visibility scenario before updating the content package. The scenario imported with the 2H 2023 version of the content package does not become active by default. This means that you can take your time to reapply any changes you made in the previous release to the draft version of the visibility scenario before activating it.

As a backup mechanism, you can currently only save the process visibility scenario configuration with screenshots or document your changes manually. There is no export functionality for process visibility scenarios in the SAP Build Process Automation UI.

See Also

API Business Hub: Scenario Definitions
Cross-System Workflow for SAP SuccessFactors Solutions 1H 2023


KI2305, 1H 2023, 2305, release, production, preview, H1, ECT-215037, ECT-216956, CSW, cross system workflow, crosssystemworkflow, eac, b2305, 3.1, 3.1.0, 3.2., 3.2.0, KI2311, 2H 2023, 2311, H2, Cross-System Workflow , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-CSW , Cross-system workflow for SAP SuccessFactors solutions , Product Enhancement


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions